Jan 30, 2023Liked by Dr Naomi Murphy

Love this Naomi. I recall the ‘bad apples’ narrative being used to dismiss behaviour in other contexts (military) in Zimbardo’s ‘Lucifer Effect’ text. The context and culture is so essential to understanding and taking steps towards change. Thank you for such an informed and articulate article.

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Thanks so much for taking the time to comment Alethea. Really pleased to hear it resonated with you. I know Zimbardo has had a bad press at times but there's a lot that's very familiar in his work. I also really like the way he places emphasis on the culture if we are to see real change although I think we often prefer to identify bad people rather than think about how the culture may be more responsible. It maybe makes us feel less susceptible to such influences if we are able to locate blame solely in individuals. Have you seen these dynamics played out in your work?

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